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Breaths from Aleppo

Muwashshahat Halabiyya: Musical heritage from Aleppo with Ibrahim Muslimani

Thursday, 23rd May, 1-3 pm
King’s College London, SWB29

Tuesday 28th May, 3–5 pm
Main Hall, Old Divinity School
St John’s College

Join us for this unique opportunity to hear from Ibrahim Muslimani, an expert in Arabic traditional music, particularly Syrian, as he discusses the musical heritage and rhythms from Aleppo. He will shed light on the muwashshah tradition in which he is an expert, as well as the rhythms historically intertwined with muwashshahat practice.

The muwashshahât and the popular songs known as al-qudûd al-halabiyya, a music style tany consider the to be the epitome of Arab music. Poetically, melodically, and vocally, the muwashshahât constitute a veritable treasure-house of Arabic culture and civilisation.

Mez Dubois-van Slageren, a PhD student at King’s College London researching Arabic musical heritage, will provide an introductory presentation to contextualise Ibrahim’s expertise.

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